Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Blog Wk 5L: Belize and Volanic activity.

Blog Wk 5

Belize has no volcanic activity as there are no volcanoes in the region. Belize does not suffer from Volcanoes either since, in it is not in the vicinity of other volcanoes.There does appear to be evidence that there was volcanic destruction in the region billions of years ago. The evidence of volcanic reactions in the area is left behind by granite. This is a sturdy rock which is used in building material.


Image result for mountain pine ridge
Granite rock can be found in the Mountain Pine Ridge park

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Week 3: Belize and its Seismic activity levels

The closest activity relating to earthquakes should take place in El Salvador as shown on the map:

Based on the data given by https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us70007mdh
it appears that Belize, the country I selected should be affect. Activity such as earthquakes aren't common to occur directly in Belize as the area is more prone to flooding ( Belize itself sits directly above several fault lines and techonic plates). The most recent earthquake occurred in 2018 which mostly occurred in Southern Mexico but affected Belize and other countries.  This was a 7.6 or 8.0 magnitude earthquake which caused a good amount of damage. According to the source posted below, Belize's government is not as concerned with earthquakes, considering  they aren't as common in the area. Belize is clearly more concerned with flooding and the damaged caused by Tropical storms which is the type of the weather that occurs most of the year.


-> https://www.anywhere.com/belize/questions/geography-weather/are-there-hurricanes-or-earthquakes