Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Blog Wk 5L: Belize and Volanic activity.

Blog Wk 5

Belize has no volcanic activity as there are no volcanoes in the region. Belize does not suffer from Volcanoes either since, in it is not in the vicinity of other volcanoes.There does appear to be evidence that there was volcanic destruction in the region billions of years ago. The evidence of volcanic reactions in the area is left behind by granite. This is a sturdy rock which is used in building material.


Image result for mountain pine ridge
Granite rock can be found in the Mountain Pine Ridge park


  1. Hi James,
    Thanks for sharing! It's great that there is no volcano danger anywhere in Belize; that's one less natural disaster to worry about! It's amazing that there weren't even volcanoes there billions of years ago. What are some other natural disasters that Belize suffers/has suffered from?

  2. Hi James! I found it interesting that the only evidence of volcanic activity was billions of years ago, that's so crazy to me! Very cool post :)
