Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Wk 8: Belize and Mass Wasting

Reportedly, Belize has a low chance of landslides considering its flat geography but does expiericience storms from time to time. These areas are likely to develop into landslides which cause a considerable amount of damage. The country is prepared to deal with these disasters. Since Belize is a country that makes of its money from tourism so any sort of disaster which would threaten the tourism business and would be an issue that the country of Belize would work to take care of quickly.
To tackle the issue of landslides, Belize uses "USAID/OFDA who work with local and national governments, civil society actors and non governmental organization to address the humanitarian needs and assist GoB-led relief efforts" https://www.usaid.gov/crisis/belize.

Image result for belize landslides




  1. It seems obvious that if the land is flat then there is a low chance of landslides, but it is not something I thought about before. As the semester goes on, I am realizing how unique each geological landscape is, and how everyone has different risks to worry about. Nice post James.

  2. Hi James! I think it's interesting that Belize really only experiences mass wasting when there are storms since landslides are usually just a gravitational issue.
